

Scientific name   : Ricinodendron heudelotti.

Common names in some African countries :

 Njansang, Musodo, corkwood, Akpi ( Ivory coast), Munguella (Angola), Bofeko (RDC), Wama(Ghana), Okhuen (Nigeria).

Found in : 

It is an almond from a fruity tree found in the tropical forest. The tree is about 40meters long and has a diameter of 1.2  meters.

Benefits :

It's rich in proteins, fatty sources, phosphorus, potassium.

Use in the kitchen :

It is also called "passe-partout" because of its multiple functions and uses in the African kitchen. Its use in nearly all cooking processes. It's used for its flavor and gives taste to food. It makes stew or sauce spicy or "epiase" and thicker.

Medical uses :

 It's used to treat syphilis, elephantiasis, yellow fever, toothaches and malaria.
