Fried potatoes.

Hello 👋.

I give brief and extraordinary details.

 Requirements :
- flourish Potatoes,
- oil ( any type ),
-  Frying pan,
-  Fire source
-  A knife, etc.
Depending on your method.

How I did my potatoes!. 

I did it in my own way. 
The way my mum used to do when she had time.

- I washed and peeled it. 
- I cut it into slices.
- Boiled (For 20mins).

This is a picture of my boiled potatoes.

Note :                                            You must not boil the potatoes before frying it. You can just fry it directly after peeling and cutting it into slices.  The slices here has to be pale. (30mis or more depending on your fire source).

The end results of both methods will look the same physically but the taste will be slightly different. However, it's better to try these methods and see the one you love best.

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