
Another name is Ekwang coco.
It's a dish from the southwest side of Cameroon, more specifically among the "Bafaw" people. In fact, these are grated cocoyam tied in cocoyam leaves and cooked with palm oil and other aromatic condiments. In Nigeria, too, it is similarly cooked among the "Efiks" and "Ibibios" people and they call it  "Ekpang Nkukwo". 


- Cocoyam (16 large)
- Tender cocoyam leaves (12 packs)
- Smoked fish (2 kg or more)
- Palm oil (0.5 liters)
- Crayfish (50grams)
- Onions (3 fat)
- Chili ( 1)
- Crushed garlic cloves (8)
- Crushed ginger (10grams)
- Washers (2)
- White pepper crushed.
- Cubes (Maggi 6)
- Salt.


- Peel, wash and grate the tubers of cocoyam using a scraper or grater with small holes (if you can't, go do it with a machine and very small water). After you are done, add a little salt to the grated cocoyam dough and stir with a spatula so that the dough is homogenous. Salt and reserve. 

-Then cut the cocoyam leaves into 4cm by 2cm. Wash them thoroughly to remove all traces of dirt and then drain them.

- Coat the palm oil in a casserole dish or a pot (a bit buttering your cake pan); take one sheet at a time and add a teaspoon of grated cocoyam dough is used up. Cook the pot over low heat with very little water: 5 dl at a time.

- Clean your smoked fish by removing the bones, cook it for 10 minutes in 1.5liter of water with a little salt. Add the onions; ginger, garlic, and crushed chili. Also, mash the crayfish apart.

After cook it well.
